Per the Kingdom Law of Gleann Abhann (revised 7/12/21), Article III. Territorial Nobility is listed below for your edification and information. This information can be found in in the documents of Gleann Abhann’s web page.
Section III.2 Privileges
(a)The Territorial Barons and Baronesses shall have the privilege of bearing the Baronial arms in canton upon their own.
(b) The Territorial Baron and Baroness shall have the right to hold Baronial Courts.
(c) The Territorial Baron and Baroness shall have the right to bestow Baronial awards as they see fit.
Section III.3 Succession
(a) Written procedures (by-laws) to guarantee the orderly recommendation to the Crown for the succession of the Baron and Baroness shall be maintained by the Barony and available to the Crown at Their request.
(b) All baronies within the Kingdom of Gleann Abhann are required to conduct polling for baronial succession a minimum of every four (4) years. The current Baron and/or Baroness may participate in the polling for baronial succession as candidate(s) to succeed themselves.
(c)The Baronial Seneschal will be responsible for planning and executing the polling for baronial succession with the input of the Kingdom Seneschal and the Crown.
(d) The Baronial populace shall select one or more candidates to recommend to the Crown. This selection will be done according to the established by-laws of the Barony.
(e) A list of current members for the barony will be obtained from the SCA Registrar. The polling for baronial succession shall be held within thirty (30) of obtaining the list. If the vote is not held within thirty (30) days of obtaining the list, a new list must be obtained. At the discretion of the Crown, individuals of the populace, other than (paid) members of SCA, Inc., may be included in the polling.
(f) A neutral party appointed by the Crown shall collect all ballots and maintain a registry of those voting. The Crown’s representative shall send the ballots and the voter registry directly to the Kingdom Seneschal.The Kingdom Seneschal will coordinate the vote count with the Crowns, and will maintain custody of the original ballots as a matter of Kingdom Record