Baronial Business Meeting notes for December 8, 2019
The monthly Baronial Business meeting was held December 8, 2019 at the auditorium on the St. Vincents campus.
After officer reports were given discussion was held on Brobarian Brawl.
The Barony is seeking the loan of dutch ovens and propane powered fire pits for cooking feast.
There will be a tribute table set up to honor our Barony’s Founders.
The Crown will attend this event.
The Crown has approved the schedule and it will be published soon.
Our A&S officer, Katherine Hans Lauerin, is still seeking gentles to teach classes. Volunteers can reach her on Facebook or at .
Load-out will be announced soon.
A date will soon be announced for a clean up of the Barony’s storage unit. When it’s warm.
The Christmas Party will be held Tuesday, December 17 from 6:00 to 8:00pm at the Fletcher Library. Pot luck. Bring a PG13, white elephant gift, spending limit is no more than $10.
Discussion and vote was held on submitting a Coronation event bid.
Discussion and vote was held on a Diamond Wars Bid.
Diamond Wars is tentatively scheduled for May 1 – 3.
More details will be coming soon.
Their Excellencies spoke to the Barony regarding the camp shower, Gulf Wars, a Gulf Wars site work day, and the desert table for the Kingdom at Gulf Wars.